Parents always get excited the moment their little bundle of joy arrives home. Most think that caring for a baby is like a walk in the park, but no. It’s not all a bed of roses. Surely they lighten every home and brighten everyone’s day, but what if they start crying incessantly?
First, there’s nothing to be alarmed about since that’s how babies communicate. It doesn’t immediately mean that the caretakers are doing poorly in their roles if the child wails continuously, but of course, it can be scary and confusing even for long time parents. To lessen the panic, below are a few items to consider.
- Is the diaper soggy?
- Is the baby coming down with a fever?
- When was the last time the baby was fed?
- Is the room temperature too warm or too cold?
- Is it gas?
It can be overwhelming to figure out all the possibilities, especially for first-time carers. This is okay because the most important is that the little one is safe from harm. While that’s settled, below are some tips to help calm them down.
- Offer a pacifier
Make sure you get the right one since there are a lot of sizes and designs to choose from. Studies have shown that pacifiers help soothe youngsters if they are stressed or upset as it activates that suckling effect, which calms little ones on impulse. It also allows them to independently calm themselves and prevent them from becoming dependent on seeking external stimulations. This shouldn’t go on for a long time since the child eventually has to be weaned from it.
- Wear your baby and walk around
They may be crying out of boredom, which helps the little one’s attention shift to observing everything around them. Also, it helps them feel safer since they can feel your closeness. With this, you can multitask and do some chores while being able to watch your little kiddo.
- Read them a story
Expose them to literature as early as possible as it helps them develop better communication skills as they grow up. One can go for tales told by grandparents or more recent children’s books, like those written by Nelibeth Plaza. Children love to hear their parent’s warm voices as they are always music to their ears. Reading also helps enhance a child’s creativity and imagination compared to watching TV.
- Make them laugh
It wouldn’t hurt to have two roles at home – the parent and the jester. All the lying or sitting can make your baby bored, so liven things up by acting weird, making funny faces, doing obnoxious antics in front of your little audience. You can bring props from time to time or play his favorite music and dance away. This will allow both child and carer to release those feel-good hormones and, in turn, improve each other’s mood.
- Going for a ride
A slight change in scenery can do the trick. Whether it’s visiting a nearby park or going for a joyride, the new sights and sounds will help divert the youngsters’ attention and help calm them down. It can be combined with a bit of lesson about anything they might see – birds, flowers, trees, lakes, or animals. Letting them see various things in their tangible form can help them learn better about the world.
- Give the baby a gentle massage
Touch therapy has been known to cultivate bonds and heal simultaneously. It follows the concept of energy transfer, along with acupuncture and reiki. Their skin and muscles are still sensitive and fragile with kids, so only minimal pressure should be done. It can start on the face, all the way to the torso, and up to the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Touch therapy can help reduce discomfort and promote better sleep.
Parents should also think about their well-being during these challenging moments. There is only so much that a person can give, and it can get to the point where things can be stressful. If the pressure becomes too immense to bear, it’s best to seek help from friends and relatives. Raising a child doesn’t have to be necessarily done alone. Especially for new parents, they need all the help they can get.