We cannot deny the fact that mysteries stimulate our imagination. According to Albert Einstein, logic can get us from A to Z, but imagination will get you everywhere. Indeed, secrets give us a sense of what it feels like to be human. While mystery takes you somewhere unknown, imagination cultivates most of the necessary aspects of your thinking to go to greater heights and push the boundaries of your creative and mental state. It conjures things that are either unrealistic or just plain happenings and sometimes humors every day since we live in a world where we try to come up with something outside our realities and explain why they exist and do not exist at all. Sometimes the images we imagine are surreal and dream-like, but rest assured that it still depicts the reality of our world, and it only brings a lot to the table to discuss and learn. SO the science of human imagination will never be boring through the touch of mystery and fantasy of the human being.
Often, children like to hear imaginative and mundane stories and pretend to be in a real-life situation. A tale like Is It Santa by Nelibeth Plaza is an example of a book that ignites a child’s imagination and improves their world-building and sense of what it feels like to be human and live in this mundane world. The real question now is why it matters to them? Here’s why :
Because of its THRILL
Children love to conquer their thrills and be curious about anything that ignites their curiosity. They are as ardent as any other stage of people’s developmental age because they are the one who is very curious and open-minded about things, especially when they first see them and imagine them. One thing that the mystery genre offers for kids is that it paves the way for them to be curious, and it teaches them to be interested, which would eventually help them in their lives. In addition, children love to play inside their minds. So Thrill-field books are their cup of tea. They play with their imaginations, their intellectual capacities, and most importantly, their excitement about the world.
Because of its INSIGHTS
Technically, children will not realize this at first, but eventually, as they grow up, they will recognize the importance of the insights they get from reading mystery novels. The genre not only generates curiosity but also gives the reader the insights they need to live their own lives. It’s a give-and-take situation where the reader gives time to read the novel, and after the reader reads the book, they get insight into the story. They eventually realize the importance of what they are reading, especially when they will soon have the sensibility of an honest and experienced reader. Insights also entail knowledge that can be used in the future. Insights, too, are very applicable when it comes to the cultivation of the mind, and it is essential to cultivate in children because it can help them a lot in terms of decision-making and deciding which path to look forward.
While having fun, children will also practice their logical thinking and reasoning skills. It is imperative to hone these skills at a young age because it lays a foundation for intellectual competence and deep thinking analysis. Also, what the children can benefit from this kind of genre is that it teaches them to use their MIND while playing and enjoying at the same time. Moreover, logical thinking improves the mental capacity to think for themselves. It improves the overall mental exercises that could help strengthen other aspects of cognitive usage such as memorizing, spelling, etc.
Adults always remember their childhood crush, childhood hobbies, childhood friends, and most importantly, the kind of stories they heard and read. When exposed to any particular activity of thought, children will eventually, in their later years, be their fixed point and, most probably, an influence on their ideals and way of thinking. Hence, the mystery novels bring to the table that children will know valuable lessons that will eventually lay the foundation of their love for knowledge and pursuits of wonders and the unknown. Children of this kind find their purpose later in life by being curious about what led them to be scientists, inventors, writers, poets, and navigators.
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